
Burton Fleming Parish Councillors

There are 9 Parish Councillors for Burton Fleming and all vacancies are filled as follows:


Cllr Brenda Southwell
Pear Tree Farm, South Lane, Burton Fleming, Driffield, YO25 3PG, Tel: 01262 470349

Vice Chairman: 

Cllr Sarah King
Corner Cottage, Back St, Burton Fleming, Driffield YO25 3PY, Tel: 07906579077


Ms Jennifer Hobson, Flat 5 Weldon Court, Weaponess Park, Scarborough, North Yorkshire. YO11 2UA

Telephone: 07542 874957


Cllr Kate Mercer
Pear Tree Cottage, South Lane, Burton Fleming, Driffield YO25 3PG Tel: 01262 470556

Cllr Trish Stansfield
Dunelm, South Street, Burton Fleming, Driffield YO25 3NZ Tel: 01262 470414

Cllr Susan Kirven
Westfield Farm Cottage, Burton Fleming, Driffield YO25 3PZ Tel: 07930672215

Cllr Carol Skelton
Clickham Grange, Wold Newton, Driffield, YO25 3PH, Tel: 01262 470409

Cllr Stephen Wells
Manor House Farm, Burton Fleming, Driffield, YO25 3PS, Tel: 01262 470256

Cllr Emma Hayton
Fernview, Front Street, Burton Fleming, Driffield, YO25 3PR, Tel: 01262 470941


East Wolds and Coastal Ward Councillors

Cllr Jonathan Owen
Richmond House, Southside, Kilham, Driffield YO25 4ST, Tel: 01482 393220


Cllr Denise Howard

Details tbc