The function of the Parish Council, the making of local decisions and policy relevant to the public interest of the parish, is performed at the meetings of the Parish Council.
Burton Fleming Parish Council holds an annual meeting in May and holds meetings every 6-8 weeks in the case of Parish meetings. The Parish Council does not have sub committees as such but will discuss planning matters at a separate planning meeting if the consultation period falls outside the date of a Parish Meeting. All members are summoned to attend Planning Meetings as well as Parish Meetings. An extraordinary meeting may be called at any time by the chairman or members, but due notice must be given.
A quorum must be maintained for meetings and this is at least one-third of the members, or three members, whichever is the greater. Every meeting is open to the public, who are encouraged to attend, except for those items where the Parish Council formally resolves to exclude the public and press on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest. This would have to be due to the confidential nature of the business. This latter also applies to any sub-committee of the Parish Council.
Notice of meetings must be given at least three clear days before and be displayed in a "noticeable place" in the Parish, giving time, date and venue. A summons to attend the meeting is also issued, specifying the agenda, to every member of the Council. Items not on the agenda cannot be formally debated or resolved.
Items brought up by the attendance of the general public or in correspondence can be discussed, but formal resolutions on these must be deferred to the next meeting so that due notice can be given.
The minutes of the meeting are taken by the Clerk, and are ratified at the next meeting of the Parish Council.